
Colorado Springs Veterinary Acupuncture Care

How is medical acupuncture different than traditional Chinese acupuncture?

Simply, traditional Chinese acupuncture has developed over thousands of years and in many ways seems rather abstract, while medical acupuncture is based on the understanding of nerve pathways and the study of substances released in the body as needles are placed in certain points. Am I saying that medical acupuncture is superior to traditional Chinese acupuncture? Not at all! I have experienced acupuncture from individuals trained in each category and have experienced the same results. Medical acupuncture just happens to be my training and what I’m comfortable with.

Laser Acupuncture

I now have a laser that I am able to do laser acupuncture with, rather than having to use needles. It is a portable cold laser which allows me to help with soft tissue healing and pain reduction in small and large animals.


Etsim is a small current of electricity connected to acupuncture needles to enhance the effects of acupuncture


Sent to Idexx Lab

Titer Testing

Testing to determine whether or not your cat or dog needs specific vaccinations

What are examples of cases that can be treated with acupuncture?

  • Chronic pain
  • Acute pain from an injury
  • Lick granulomas
  • Spinal cord disease
  • Reproductive problems
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Seizures
  • Dry eye or corneal ulcerations
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Many others!!

Acupuncture Prices

    Typically $60, but can increase in specific cases where more time is needed than usual.

Services Provided

Colorado Springs Animal Chiropractic Care
Animal Nutrition Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Animal Acupuncture
Herbal Medicine for Pets Colorado Springs
Schedule an appointment or consultation for my Chiropractic, Nutrition or Acupuncture service for your pet.

Client Testimonials

“It is my pleasure to recommend Dr. Patton on behalf of 2 of my cats who have done very well from both Chiropractic and Laser treatment. One of the things that has been of benefit to the Kitty parents is the fact that Dr. Patton will work with you as best she can to accommodate your schedule. The cats love the fact that it’s like having a spa day at the house and they don’t have to ride in the car plus Dr. Patton is super gentle with them. Please feel free to ask Dr. Patton for our contact info if you would like to further discuss our experiences with her. We have seen quite an improvement with our fur kids and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services.”

Dakota Woods - Nutrition Client

“I would like to take a moment to tell about our success story. We got this cute puppy 5 years ago full of energy and life. Then when she was 2 years of age she diagnosed with seizures. The vet put her on some meds, she gained weight and wasn’t herself. The seizures still plagued her every couple of months even with the medication. We moved down to Peyton, Colorado last year. In September her meds was getting low, so went to visit Stephanie Patton, it was the best thing we did. She recommended that we put dog on a grain free diet and a series of herbs to stop the seizures. Since our September visit she has not had one seizure, she has not taken any anti-seizure drugs, and her energy level has gone up. We highly recommend Stephanie Patton as a vet as well as a herbalist.”
– Linda and Larry Woods

Services Provided

Colorado Springs Animal Chiropractic Care
Animal Nutrition Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Animal Acupuncture
Schedule an appointment or consultation for my Chiropractic, Nutrition or Acupuncture service for your pet.